Max Retail Blog
How to Greet Your Retail Customers
In breaking down the steps that go into the perfect purchase, Bob Negen of WhizBang Retail Training highlights the importance of a warm and friendly greeting. It's crucial to make sure the customer feels welcome and comfortable as soon as they walk through the door.
How to Get in the Perfect Purchase Mindset
When you embrace the perfect purchase mindset, selling becomes incredibly fun and enjoyable for both you and your customer. Learn from retail expert Bob Negen of WhizBang Retail Training. Watch now.
Retail Communities: Meet The Boutique Hub
Whether your retail store is online or in person, The Boutique Hub can guide you through each stage of the business. Find out why we love The Hub.
What Is Pink Friday? What Independent Retailers Need to Know
Get shoppers to buy before Black Friday. Learn how independent retail stores can drive traffic to small retail businesses before shoppers spend their money on Black Friday.
3 Types of Social Media Content Every Retailer Needs
Independent retailers need a mixture of three types of social media content. Get the details from Sara Burks of The Boutique Hub in a series filled with marketing tips, social media strategy and helpful tools designed to help your retail business thrive!
Faster Turns: Make More Money With Less Inventory
As a retailer, you can make more money with less inventory. When you turn inventory faster, you'll be profitable in any economy. good or bad. Let’s work together. Watch now.
How to Grow Your Retail Business
To grow your retail business and get the most profit margin out of the goods you buy, figure out what categories of your business have growth opportunity, Dan Jablons explains.
Unsold Retail Inventory? How to Break Free
Old inventory got you down? Industry expert Dan Jablons of Retail Smart Guys explains how to free up cashflow and sell your excess retail inventory.
Inventory Turn: Where Money Is Made in Retail
What is inventory turn? It's where retailers make money, says Dan Jablons of Retail Smart Guys. Learn how turn improves your independent retail business.
Inventory Freshness: Keep Customers Coming Back
Retailers must constantly flow in new, fresh, and exciting goods every month. Learn how inventory freshness can boost your retail business in this series from Max Retail and Retail Smart Guys.
Cash Margin and What It Means for Your Business
Cash margin looks at the net change in your bank account. Here’s what you as a retailer can learn about your business from it. This is part two in a series brought to you by Max Retail and Retail Smart Guys.
Retail Inventory Control: Follow These 7 Steps to Sell Through
The moment goods arrive in your store, they are getting old. Follow these seven steps to get them sold through. This post is the first in a series brought to you by Max Retail and Retail Smart Guys.